Who's Fizz Buzzin' Who?

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Posted August 24, 2018

I came face-to-face with the ultimate developer filtering question and failed. But that doesn't mean my dreams of coding are doomed.

(In case you missed it, today's post is a tribute to the late, great, Aretha Franklin's iconic 80's sass anthem "Who's Zoomin' Who?" If you find the track stuck in your head, just grab your leg warmers and click that 80s-ified image above. You're welcome.)

According to this random code nerd wiki, the Fizz Buzz test is "designed to help filter out the 99.5% of programming job candidates who can't seem to program their way out of a wet paper bag." We covered it in my coding program, and I never got it to work. Apparently, I've met my white whale, and it has a lot of Zs in it.

As a wise Successory poster once said, "If you never fail, it's because you never tried." In other words, this little setback won't stop you from landing a developer role because you've worked too hard to prepare for it and you've already come so far. But on that future day when you, too, can articulate Fizz-Buzz logic as though it's as simple as drawing breath, remember that day — so long ago — when Question 1 on your coding test prompted you to mutter under your breath "You've got to be $#%^*& kidding me!"

And one more thing, future awesome developer self: When it comes to coding knowledge, never forget to pay it forward. After all, behind every great developer are instructors, mentors, TAs, tutorial writers, or just nerdy friends who knew more than you and shared their knowledge rather than lauding it over you. And when you write something out to help new developers grasp a concept, never — and I mean NEVER — refer to yourself as "we."